Elevate Coaching Conversations with the        Game-Changing Psychometric

In today's fast-paced and ever-changing world, effective communication is more important than ever. Whether you're a professional coach or someone looking to bring a coaching approach to your interactions, having the right tools to facilitate meaningful coaching conversations can make all the difference.


The Challenge with Traditional Profiling Tools

As performance psychologists working with elite performers, we often found ourselves grappling with traditional profiling tools. These tools, while informative, required significant effort to translate their content into actionable insights within a coaching context. Additionally, while the awareness they developed was good, they rarely resulted in a shift in behaviour. The need for a more intuitive, adaptable, and impactful tool was clear. We wanted to develop a tool that could seamlessly integrate into coaching conversations and drive real changes in mindsets.


Spotlight: Bridging the Gap

Spotlight is a contemporary personality profiling tool designed by Mindflick. Rooted in modern science, it is designed to foster adaptability and performance and built from the ground up to drive coaching conversations.
The chapters within Spotlight are grouped into three sections:
1. Maximise
     Focuses on how to get the best out of yourself and your strengths.
2. Adapt
     Explores how to stay adaptable, even when under pressure.
3. Perform
      Helps unlock potential by managing motivation, confidence, and resilience.


Why Spotlight Stands Out

Focused on Adaptability and Performance
Spotlight goes beyond mere awareness or personality insights. It emphasises developing the kind of adaptable and flexible approaches crucial for thriving in today’s ever-changing environments.
Mindset Analysis                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
Unique in its approach, Spotlight captures an individual's mindset preferences. This focus allows for deeper, more engaging conversations that can lead to faster and more sustainable changes in behaviour and performance.

Enhanced Team Dynamics                                                                                                                                                                                                                 
Spotlight isn’t just for individual coaching. It’s a tool for fostering stronger team relationships, enhancing psychological safety, and promoting diverse thinking within teams.
Practical Resources for Facilitating Conversations  
From team maps to our innovative "Empty Chair" technique, Spotlight offers a range of practical tools that can be used to facilitate growth and adaptability in conversations.


The Impact of Spotlight on Coaching Conversations

Spotlight transforms lessons from high-performance environments into practical coaching sessions. It helps clients not only understand their strengths and areas for growth but also develop strategies to maximise their potential in different situations. The result? Improved performance, stronger relationships, and a greater capacity for adaptability.


Accreditation and Community Support

Becoming a Spotlight practitioner involves a comprehensive accreditation process, ensuring users are well-equipped to use the tool effectively. The process includes online and interactive sessions, practice debriefs, and ongoing support from the Mindflick team. Accredited practitioners gain access to Mindflick's team of PhDs and performance psychologists, a vibrant practitioner community, regular refresher events, and a wide range of resources to support their ongoing development.



So Spotlight is more than just another psychometric tool; it’s a catalyst for supercharging your coaching conversations. By focusing on adaptability and performance, while providing practical, science-backed frameworks, it empowers anyone taking a coaching approach to drive meaningful, lasting transformations.
Whether you’re working with individuals or teams, Spotlight equips you and your clients with the tools needed to unlock potential and foster growth.
For more information about Spotlight and the accreditation process, visit Mindflick.
Post by Pete Lindsay
July 11, 2024